kawaji@voila.fr,, kawaji_guei@yahoo.com,

ingevoerd op 24-2-2004

Trap er niet in!! Bedelmail!! De laatste weken is bedelmail weer enorm in trek, een reden voor valse fakturen om daar wat aan te doen!

Dear Sir/Madam

Let not my mail come to you as a surprise, I am contacting you based on the trust and confidence I reposed on you that you can be capable of executing this transaction for me on a mutual benefit and I know you will not betray me by the grace of God/ Allah.

I am Mr Kawaji and my kid sister Halima Guei (JR) the Daughter& son of Gen. Robert Gay, who was the former military president of my country Cote D’Ivoire.

My late father was murdered on the 18-09-2002 while attempting to gain power through a failed coup d’etat.

I confide in you to disclose my late fathers’ wealth acquired while in office as the formal president of my country Cote D’lvoire Abidjan.

The sum of $55.5M.USD (fithy five million five hundred thousand dollars only) deposited into a security house abroad for safe-keepig bymy late father, without making the real contents of the consignment known to the security company.

And the certificate of deposit of this fund was given to me as a personal effects deposited in the security company in Abroad.

I am soliciting for your assistance in securing,investment/management of this fund because I am a young girl with no experience in investment and management .

Proceedures :
1. I have already made a contact with Security Company in Abroad tha can conveniently convey the consignment to your destination if you devote to assist me claim the consignment from the security company to your designated address via your

special arrangement.

2. You are required to furnish me with the following :
i. Your full name
ii. Home, address, tel & fax n°

With the above informations, I shall commence the procedures for the transfer of the fund to you, by sending you the proof document concerning this fund/boxes for your view.

Before we can commence on this transaction,an there must be a draft agreement which will bind both of us together for the safty of my fund/boxes.

I therefore advise you to treat this with utmost secrecy and urgency by reaching me through my email address hence l am in refugee camp in cotonou republic of benin under the protection of the Government of Benin .

I await hearing from you urgently through my alternative email address: kawaji_guei@yahoo.com Yours’ brother,

Mr Kawaji and my kid sister Halima Guei